Tag Archives: coro anni dieci

Do people still care about Metal?

It was only some days ago but I can’t remember where I was and who said that. I just remember it was a male with a beard. I can’t remember whether it was last Sunday at my friend’s daughter 4th birthday party or two evenings ago while rehearsing with Coro Anni Dieci. I was among friends and other people I met there for the first time and, as it often happens in this occasions, someone was talking about my (frozen) life as  a musician (though I never called myself a musician… ’cause well, it’s mostly about screaming the right way). After hearing that this guy asks what kind of music my band used to be into and I tell him “Metal”. The guy looks  at me as if I said “banana flavoured horse puke wurstels” and goes on “but do people still care about Metal?” I mean, do you think I’m a cave man? Then I thought about a quote from Rob Zombie on the awesome documentary Metal: A Headbanger’s Journey (which I recommend everyone who wants to understand something about the devil’s music and its disciples to give it a go) saying “Metal is so fucking huge. Yet most people don’t even know it exists.”  I answered, “Yeah, they still care and some of them will always do. Incredible, uh?”

Listening to: Hatesphere – The Great Bludgeoning (Napalm Records – 2011)


Filed under Friuli Venezia Giulia, Music