A random week-end

Well, I haven’t been writing for such a long time! Let’s keep the thing going. So… they say there’s not so much going on in Friuli, and it’s kind of true if one has no friends, but keep looking around and some good surprises could come up from the randomness of a week-end in the province. I’m talking about music, ’cause an area that is poor in entertainment offers will probably be richer concerning people who want to express themselves. The new big thing is Man on Wire, a very nice band – for The Arcade Fire and David Bowie lovers – that is doing very good out there after having beaten the street club after club. They come from this area and, useless to say, they’re long time friends. That week-end they played at Deposito Giordani, which is the biggest “rock” venue still active in an area that is bigger than the whole province. Very nice gig with an awesome sound. Can’t say the same about the beer.

I kind of hate Sunday evenings. I don’t like the atmosphere when most of the people – including me – behaves like “fun is over” because they all have to go to work the day after. The fact is that we really have to but… Who said we can’t have fun anyway? Thanks to Lorenzo and Rachele the good times were not over that week-end. Sooner this Winter they started “Colora”: they call it a laboratory but they’re actually hosting concerts in their living room (no worries, you can’t be there unless you are invited) and their first event was Man On Wire’s gig n. 0. That Sunday it was time for Videodreams, the last creation born by the mountains of Carnia. It’s a melodic folk duo but don’t stick to this definition. I have to say the kind of music they play is not part of what I usually listen to so check both links out and decide what you think about them. I can just tell you I liked this concert a lot, despite the first time I saw them, when they were a trio and they had been also boring. Well done brothers (yeah, they are brothers)!
So, Colora was awesome once again. As usually the entrance fee was a bottle of wine then… things can’t go wrong when you know you’ll meet your fiends at the buffet Rachele had prepared and after chatting with a nice never seen before girl you’re going to enjoy a good concert on the living room carpet. Can’t wait for the next one!


Filed under Friuli Venezia Giulia, Music

4 responses to “A random week-end

  1. Nice weekend indeed, the Sunday afternoon living room gig situation was lovely and Rachele’s pizza AWESOME — we want the recipe! I hope other people will start following their example and organise small gigs at home.

  2. Hi mate, stasera vado a vedere i Cosmetic, impossibile non pensare a te e al Pilia.
    Qui procede tutto in bizzarra regolarità. Faccio lavoretti saltuari, dò ripetizioni d’inglese a una ragazzina svogliata e mi godo il caldo della madonna.
    Betto & Mary ha fatto star male due volte Stefano, ma credo l’abbia presa come una sfida e non come un deterrente.
    Un abbraccio e a presto.


    • Allora facce na recenzione de sti Cosmetic. All’Hapartamento Hoffman me li sono persi.
      Betto & Mary… dipende anche uno cosa mette in pancia mi sa.



  3. mò la faccio davero sta recensione… per intanto sono riuscita a scrivere il primo pezzo non strettamente ombelicale, oggi.
    torno verso metà giugno. non vedo l’ora.

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