Monthly Archives: April 2012

Pachyderm: Italian made skateboards

When it comes to snow and snowboarding, last Winter season as been pretty shitty in Friuli. It started three weeks later (on Xmas eve) and lasted until a rainy Easter weekend, so let’s say it’s been has old as J.C.

It snowed all over Italy, even in the deep south, and I mean a lot of snow. But it looked like there was a damned umbrella over Friuli. Anyway, Piancavallo resort managed to build a nice snowpark and we had a lot of fun. Here we know how to have fun with little less of what we expected.

So, last time we went for some boarding we went to Zoncolan mountain an there we found the stand of the first 100% made in Italy skateboards: Pachyderm. I love skateboarding but I’m not a skater, so I hope those decks kick ass because they are 100% made in Friuli, in Tolmezzo, Carnia, and I’m proud.

At the moment the website is in Italian only but here comes a little description:

– Made with German beech tree wood for a total of 7 layers including a carbon/kevlar one and a VTR one

– old school screen printed graphics

– three types: basic, carbon strings and c/k top.

I wish this guys the best. Check them out!

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Filed under Friuli Venezia Giulia, Skateboarding, Uncategorized


As an Italian born fella I obviously speak Italian as the main language although I’ll be writing in English. But you might want to know that in Friuli thousands of people speak a different language called Furlan and let me tell you it is a big influence and a tradition I am very proud of. As far as I am concerned, there is no political matter or ideology behind that, it’s just the language spoken by my brain, but it’s good for you to know this kind of background exists when you read my posts.

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Filed under Friuli Venezia Giulia, Uncategorized

Do people still care about Metal?

It was only some days ago but I can’t remember where I was and who said that. I just remember it was a male with a beard. I can’t remember whether it was last Sunday at my friend’s daughter 4th birthday party or two evenings ago while rehearsing with Coro Anni Dieci. I was among friends and other people I met there for the first time and, as it often happens in this occasions, someone was talking about my (frozen) life as  a musician (though I never called myself a musician… ’cause well, it’s mostly about screaming the right way). After hearing that this guy asks what kind of music my band used to be into and I tell him “Metal”. The guy looks  at me as if I said “banana flavoured horse puke wurstels” and goes on “but do people still care about Metal?” I mean, do you think I’m a cave man? Then I thought about a quote from Rob Zombie on the awesome documentary Metal: A Headbanger’s Journey (which I recommend everyone who wants to understand something about the devil’s music and its disciples to give it a go) saying “Metal is so fucking huge. Yet most people don’t even know it exists.”  I answered, “Yeah, they still care and some of them will always do. Incredible, uh?”

Listening to: Hatesphere – The Great Bludgeoning (Napalm Records – 2011)


Filed under Friuli Venezia Giulia, Music